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Warzone... Dead. Over a simple case of bad network ownership.

It's over.

Warzone was a part of the network known as "Traitor's Playground". Warzone used to be named "The playground" Until (In a case of bad network ownership) The owner of
"Traitor's playground" Decided that for reasons unknown, "The playground" Would be renamed. (Although there is speculation about it being renamed because it would be confusing to have a server named "The playground" in a network named "Traitor's playground") There were many votes on what to rename it, and eventually "Warzone" (A Name suggested by the head moderator of the server at the time) was decided as the new name for The Playground. After a few months, the manager of Warzone quit, and the head mod who suggested the new name became the manager in his place. The new manager elected one of the moderators as the new head moderator. When the new manager finally resigned, Instead of the process repeating and the new head mod becoming the new manager, The server was disbanded on october 5th, 2016. It became a wasteland with no staff, and there were so many broken rules that nobody played anymore. They also shut down the forum section dedicated to warzone, so most of the history remains undiscovered. After this, the community slowly deteriorated and will eventually stop bringing in enough money to sustain. The community is now already practically a wasteland, and it will only become more and more deserted.

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